Artificial Tear Drops, Ointments & Gels

Artificial tears, lubricating gels or lubricating ointments may be prescribed as part of your treatment regimen to relieve moderate to severe Dry Eye symptoms.

Artificial Tears are effective for relieving a number of symptoms for many sufferers. These types of eye drops lubricate and help the outer surface of your eyes maintain moisture. Some artificial tears can have electrolytes to help heal the eye’s surface, or thickening agents like glycerin so tears can remain on the eye for continued relief over longer periods. Oasis Tears is a brand of preservative-free artificial tears we offer that can help relieve dry eye symptoms.

Lubricating Gels are often prescribed for moderate to severe dry eyes, and also when artificial tears aren’t effective. Gels are thicker than artificial tears to remain on the eye even longer. This can blur vision right after applying, so it’s best to avoid usage while driving.

Lubricating Ointments are most often prescribed for severe dry eyes. With a viscosity (thickness) similar to petroleum jelly, ointments are used only at bedtime since they can blur vision for several minutes or more after applying.

Which Dry Eye Treatment Is Best? This depends on your condition and diagnosis. Our specialty doctors can pinpoint the advantages of one or more treatments related to your condition, as well as help you understand why a treatment is prescribed and how it works.